House design is a complex management issue for parents of children who need large spaces to play in. Supervision can be required 24 hours a day demanding the ability for a carer to complete other or all tasks within view of their child. As that child grows the question of does the physical space that they required continue to serve that purpose or have they taken over large portions of the house with the equipment e.g. trampoline indoors in the living room. For families who need to provide immediate access to things like trampolines to assist with night time waking this can help reduce the need to jump on a bed or hit the walls of the house keeping other family members awake. An issue can be though that the damage done from the jumping to floors, walls and the structure of the house may cause things like roofs to leak because the repeated jumping over such a long time has caused seals to shift. Houses that were chosen for certain tasks at the start of family life are usually just that, temporary options. The financial management of house requirements however changes significantly with the diagnoses of children and the size requirements of their care needs. Whether that be in the quantities of people who now need to come into your home to support you and your child or the need to provide each child with seperate space or to separate out the adults from the kids so that everyone has a break / respite from each other over the course of the day or week. Floor plan layout is essential to consider. So is the size and durability of furniture. Yet parents of children / young adults / adults with chronic conditions are acutely aware of this. Fences and backyards can have new meaning to a family that can now supervise their loved ones safely, yet for others they are a huge security risk resulting in not leaving the house or using that space at all.