When do we give someone else our attention and when do we turn our head away? Food and being fed is one example. I give you my attention versus I take my attention away. But what happens if I am still standing here, I haven’t left, I still want what it is that is happening, but I’m not interacting or I’m interacting differently. But. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to repair or fix or alter or help or (pick a verb) to start the sequence of interaction back up again or to ‘make’ it continue. Is this problem solving? How big a challenge is this? Does this happen all of the time or only with some people? Why with only those people? What is it about the characteristics of those people?
Or. Do I prefer to do things by myself?
Or. Does it just look that way? In the right environment with the right mix of people and the right mix of activities do I communicate and socially interact differently? Why? Is that about my health – that I was unhealthy before? Or was that partly due to my health and partly due to the right mix of who I am as an individual. In what environments do I have no issue getting myself ready for, do I need no visuals supports or social stories – why is that? E.g. Going to EB Games store to look at Nintendo games. Why is it easier for me to hold a detailed conversation with someone about old generation gaming consoles versus complete my schoolwork? Which one is easier for me and why?
= Occupational Therapy..