Dependent on where within the day a conversation or an interaction takes place you can get markedly different responses. Levels of tolerance and resilience for coping with the demands of the day can change how you desire to interact with someone or with people in general. Or are you only ok in interacting with some or your favourite people but no one else. Do you know who these people are? Do you have the words to describe their interactions as to why it works? Tolerance for others can result in different language being used and different types of problem solving strategies being used for the tasks being completed. For one carer an individual might work significantly differently and for far longer duration than for another carer.
Quantity can also relate to the build up within an activity of the quantity of demands on conversational skills and quantity of demands for physical interaction. What is appropriate physical interaction with someone is complex. It can depend on the type of environment and it can depend on the type of activity. And it can depend on the person and their relationship with the individual. Our hands are tools for communicating and we are used to using those. Over time we develop greater skill with the timing of our language, the timing of altering our tone of voice, the timing of the direction of our gaze for our attention and with the timing of how close we physically interact with different parts of our body e.g. leaning forwards versus leaning backwards.
Being able to read cues about overload are extremely important when measuring quantity within a conversation or interaction with someone. Knowing when to pull back or when to continue on with the conversation or interaction is complex. Those individuals with greater skills at managing their own conversational and interactional needs, those who can alter the quality of these skills often can fit in with different people more quickly.