Swimming and water pressure can be challenging for some individuals, especially those with chronic health conditions which impacts on their respiratory systems and ability to breathe easily. The clothing involved in swimming tends to be tighter and involve some restrictions in moving when younger e.g. use of floatation supports that are attached to your body. As kids progress putting their faces under water involves being able to manage their breathing and potentially not be able to see at the same time. One common issue that kids can have is difficulty blowing their noses, or learning to clear fluids through coughing or sneezing. Being able to control this process of internal fluid management may make it more challenging to learn how to put your head under water, especially if required to wear a tight swimming cap and tight goggles.
Priorities for goals within swimming then need to look at whether the clothing and 100% correct process for how to learn how to swim is the most important way to learn or whether enjoyment and ability to ‘navigate’ your way around a pool is more important than the ability to swim correct stroke patterns. Splitting off goals for play versus goals for learn to swim in these cases may be highly important and require different professional support from a swimming teacher e.g. Occupational Therapy.