There are some dedicated simple pathways for exploring within this game and then there are those which are not as easy to understand. This world is set in a 3D landscape, yet it it basically a left to right scrolling world Unlike movement with Super Mario Bros U Deluxe where height is the main variable for progress to the right side of the screen, this requires a significantly greater understanding of how the map is being built in front of you as you progress. Needing to unlock levels or pathways before being able to move over to that particular side of where you can see an object can be incredibly frustrating for some individuals. It is not until you need 10 flowers to move through a gate that you need to go back and work through previous levels again otherwise you can’t progress. Some kids focus just on getting through the levels without being killed, others are aware of the need to stop and make sure they pick up enough coins and enough flowers as they go. THIS is the impact of previous knowledge and the ABILITY to regulate yourself through these types of challenges based on previous experience. Having a door blocked to you physically when you are trying to walk down a pathway has been reported each time it has been done. It will from now on. Completing this task side by side with someone can make it substantially easier, yet the distinct jobs of each person may only be needed on certain parts of the course if one person is able to make it through most things by themselves. The other person may get frustrated having to rely on someone else to help again and again when those parts don’t work for them repeatedly but this type of alarm bell ringing is important to pay attention to. The ‘square’ or packages that are left above the pathway are repeatedly visible to others yet may not be understood by those playing the game. Being able to think in advance of how many eggs you will need and what their uses will be for is not something that may be understood until you actually need the eggs. This may require you to go back and forth repeatedly until you recognise that you need to collect things at the time that you see them so that you can use the eggs to throw them at obstacles to knock them over to release the coins or new pathways.
Once eggs have gone in some areas you may not be able to go back and pick them up again. Some students may find the journey back to pick them up impossible to complete and find that this is the end of the game for them.