Pain assessment

Non-communicating children’s pain checklist – revised (NCCPC-R)

Cho SH, Ko SH, Lee MS, et al. Development of the Geop-Pain questionnaire for multidisciplinary assessment of pain sensitivity. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology. 2016 Oct;69(5):492-505.

Seattle Childrens Hospital – Pediatric Pain Questionnaire

Kingsnorth, S., Townley, A., Provvidenza, C., Orava, T., Gresley-Jones, T., Slonim, N., Mankad, D., Fay, L., Hoffman, A., Joachimides, N. & Fehlings, D. (2014). Chronic pain assessment toolbox for children with disabilities: Section 3.0: Chronic pain assessment tools. Toronto, Ontario: Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. Retrieved from:

Palermo TM, Lewandowski AS, Long AC, Burant CJ. Validation of a self-report questionnaire version of the Child Activity Limitations Interview (CALI): The CALI-21. Pain. 2008;139(3):644-652.