How tired do you get over the course of the day? Does that impact on your ability to make small or large changes in how you interact with others? How much of an impact does the need to drop everything and run after an individual have on how you regulate yourself? Is this a daily thing or is it something that only happens so rarely or it used to happen frequently and now through use of different strategies it doesn’t happen anymore?
What type of clothing do you wear? Does that make it easier for you to quickly interact to manage challenging situations? Is your body overheating so that the types of clothes that you want to wear or how frequently you want to drink / eat or get up and move has an impact on whether or not you will or won’t interact with what is being put in front of you? As a parent / carer what types of clothing do you need to wear to be able to change how you are sitting or standing immediately? What type of bag do you carry and how much is in that bag so that you can prepare for any emergency?
How flexible are you with changing your own routines or your own environmental goals to suit others? Does that mean that your own needs get met or do you continually have to put them aside to support others? Or are you not allowed to do your own things in an environment that is yours? What impact does that have on how much you are then forced to sit or stand over the course of the day? Some jobs allow you to walk around, others require you to sit in a chair all day for lengthy periods of time. How frequently are you allowed to go to the toilet? Does sitting down for long periods of time in a forward bended position over a desk impact on how squashed your tummy feels? What do you do with the rest of your body parts to cope e.g. kick your legs to try and help you sit still so that your circulatory system keeps moving to try and relive the pressure in your stomach.
How long have you been dealing with your health condition and have you been able to ‘learn’ what works for you and what doesn’t work for you to keep your ‘health’ regulated each day? What do you control and how much effort or force do you control it with so that you can stay regulated? To what effort will you continue to make those strategies continue to work when you can see things changing around you or someone is upping what they are asking of you when you ‘need’ to keep things stable and know that if you become dysregulated then the implications for yourself, your interactions with others becomes enormous.